Special Christmas Events
Special PWO Christmas Season Events we want to highlight
PWO Yearly Christmas Party
December 10 @ 1 pm
Hereford and Hops
Pay for own meal.
Sign-up sheet in Westminster Hall
or contact the office @ 906-786-2932.
Mitten Tree
Starting ASAP
Please start collecting or making hats, scarves, gloves, and mittens to fill up our yearly mitten tree. For our communities school aged children during the winter months.
Food Drive
Starting ASAP
We are collecting non-perishable food items for Bay College Food Pantry and 7th Day Adventist.
FPC Cookie Sale
Please start baking your delicious Christmas Cookies and/or bars.
As we will be having an in-house only Cookie Sale.
December 15th directly after Sunday worship.
FPC Cookie Sale Set-up
Set-up on Friday, December 13th @ 10 am.
Cookies can be dropped of Friday at 10 am or Sunday morning.