About First Presbyterian Church
Rooted in tradition, free in the Spirit, we love and serve God and neighbor with all that we are and all that we have.
We enjoy spreading and sharing the good news of God's love for all. We do this both as individuals and as a congregation. Meet our Leadership and Staff who is here to serve God and our neighbors.
Our Story
Our office is open to our community on Tuesday through Friday from 10 AM to 12 (noon).
Pastor Daniel can be reached at (269) 849-9775 for urgent cares outside of the office hours.
Our church was founded in:
We offer: Childcare during service, Sunday School, Bible Study, Vacation Bible School
Class of 2026
Peg Pickle
Priscilla Green
Class of 2027
Maggie Tall
Class of 2028
Session Elders
Ann Wood
Val Heemstra
Christian Education: Valerie Heemstra
Finance: Alex DeHann, Marc Tall, Marti Meyer, Priscilla Green,
Rev. Daniel Van Beek
Personnel Committee: Linda Peterson, Maggie Tall, Priscilla Green
Congregational Care and Membership: Peg Pickle
Nominating Committee: Bill DuFour (at large member), Denise DeHann (Deacon Rep.), Maggie Tall (Elder Rep.)
Property: Jodi Tianen (Temporary Congregational Member)
Worship: Ann Wood
Commissioner to Presbytery:
Maggie Tall
Clerk of Session:
Priscilla Green
Class of 2026
Marsha Meyer
Class of 2027
Annette Dufour
Carol Varvil
Jane Gundry
Sue Robitalle
Class of 2028
Cindy A. Bender
Denise DeHaan
Janet Hall
Jordan Tianen

Rev. Daniel Van Beek

Ann Wood
Director of Music

Amy Martin
Office Assistant

Bill Rinne

Phil Stapert
Marti Meyer

Maddy Tianen
Nursery Caregiver